Exercise: Vertical and Horizontal

Most cameras, DSLRs in particular, are designed ergonomically for use in the horizontal position, resulting in the majority of photographs being taken in this position. Taking a photograph in the vertical position can, with many cameras prove quite awkward. This exercise required me to take a series of photographs with each subject framed in both the vertical (portrait) and horizontal (landscape) position, thus forcing me to break from the natural and comfortable way of holding the camera, and to consider both orientations in the framing of the subject.

The photographs are numbered underneath, and the image that I believe to be the stronger of each pair is marked with a plus symbol.

The split is 12:9 in favour of the vertical position in this exercise. Before I went out shooting this exercise, I thought that I would have searched out more tall subjects, but that was not the case. I found frequently that subjects I’d naturally framed in the vertical position, were actually a much more pleasing composition in the horizontal, such as image 15 (the celtic cross) and image 20 (the green postbox). I found this exercise to be worthwhile, and I will definitely consider both frame orientations in future compositions.

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